Q h s o I w i l l u p d a t e m o r e l a t e r !
" a l i x "
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Videos of Jordan!

The first part of this video the 'mamamama' part was a few days ago, and he only sounds like he's crying cuz I got the camera out and he doesn't like it. The second half of the video was taken this morning and he was LAUGHING!

Dear Little One(April 18, 2009)

Well, It's 11:21 PM right now. I would have just been getting out of the prom dance, I believe, had I gone. But, I thought that in my current condition I would be better off at home with my oh so incredible boyfriend! Soon to be so much more than that. He's your daddy! He's going to be such a good daddy, too. So, little one, I thought maybe I would write to you now, and some day you'll be able to read it and know how much you were loved even before you were born!

I've had quite a few scary times since I found out I was pregnant with you. Tonight even, I'm sitting here wondering if everything is okay. Small pains, big pains, they all make me wonder. My muscles are all stretching and loosening to make room for you! I'm sure you're getting so big in there, but I won't get to see for a while longer. You're 13 weeks and 5 days along today, and I'm sure you're doing great in there! I'm starting to wonder if you're a boy or girl.. But in my dreams you are always a beautiful little girl.

No matter what you are though, I love you still. I just wish you to be healthy and happy. Your daddy hopes you are a little boy, but he would love
you if you're a little girl, too. I love you always. Even though I've only seen you once, and you're still just a little itty bitty thing in my belly, I love you more than you could ever know.

People ask me why I get so scared, so paranoid about something being wrong. Well, to be honest, it's because I've never wanted anything more in my entire life than to hold you in my arms and know that you are here with me and that you are saf
e! 6 more months and I will be able to do that.

I pray every night that you stay safe and healthy in there, because losing you would absolutely devastate me. I think we would all be pretty upset if that happened, but I'm sure everything will be okay!

You have a pair of shoes already! Your
amazing auntie Sierra bought them for you. I nearly cried the first time I saw them! I can't wait for you to be wearing them!

My mom, your grandmother, is SO excited to meet you! She calls you her little pinto bean, it's kind of getting a hold on me. It's cute, just like I know you will be! Well, little one, I'm very sleepy today, and I'm really full. I made a big dinner tonight! Spiral ham..mmm! I hope you are resting well in there, I also hope I can feel you move again soon! Goodnight, little one.

Love always,

A Little History

I'm Alix. On November 21, 2005 I met the love of my life, and my now husband. We have been together since the day we met. We had a lot of problems, a lot of speed bumps, but in the end, we ended up together. In January of 2009, I got pregnant, shortly after Justin moved in. It was scary, because when I found out I was alone. I called Justin as soon as I saw the 'pregnant' on the test.

That was the first time we saw our baby. In March, over spring break, during my senior year of high school. Everybody else was fretting over finals and homework, and I suddenly had a whole new future laid out in front of me. They said my due date was October 19, 2009. We prayed for a boy, but a healthy baby would have been perfect. So, naturally we were OVERJOYED to see these next few pictures on the ultrasound monitor just one day after our wedding.

Finding out we were having a son was the most exciting moment in my life. My happiness soon gave way to stress however. In July, Justin left for military training for a deployment. Thankfully (kind of) he was injured, and couldn't go to Iraq like he was supposed to. That didn't mean he got to just come home, however. He did get to come back right before our son was born though. He got back on the 15th. On the 16th, we decided to stay in the town I would be delivering in, just to have some time alone. He got us a suite at Holiday Inn. That night was the last full night of sleep I would get.

The day of the 17th started alright, I was in a little pain from contractions, but nothing unbearable. I called my mom, and told her what was going on and she (living 10 hours away) said she would be there as soon as she could and then promptly left to come see me. She showed up around 5 pm. By 7, I started having contractions. At 7:45 my dad showed up at the hotel. At 8:30, I was on the way to the hospital.

When I got to the hospital, I was 7 cm dilated already. I wasn't in a lot of pain, but my water also hadn't broken, and I knew if it did I would be in a LOT more pain, so I broke and got the epidural, and let me tell you I do not regret it a BIT. I was instantly happy, energetic, and in no pain at all.

Fast forward to 4 AM on the 18th of October. I was suddenly racked with pain. I knew it was time to get the show on the road. They had to give me an oxygen mask while I was pushing, because I almost lost consciousness several times. They ended up using the vaccum, and at 4:50 AM, Jordan Lee entered the world.

Jordan was born weighing 6 pounds, 2 ounces. He was 19 inches long. he couldn't be more precious. He had the sweetest cry when he first arrived, it melted my heart. He still has the cutest little cry and the most precious whine.

He did have some issues with breathing right after he was born and they had to suction out his lungs and his sinuses, but then he was better. The only other issue he had was he was born with what is called a microtia. All this means is that his outer right ear didn't develop all the way. It can be corrected, but I will go into that in a later post.

Now it's time to get him to bed, so I'll be posting again later.